Do you offer ongoing support?
Yes, we provide our contact details and are happy to receive questions by email.
We offer online support with information and can also visit the workplace to provide further advice
and support.
Is there a discount available?
We offer a discount on our daily training, offering two half day sessions on the same day at a
discounted rate.
Individuals wanting to attend our training online facing financial hardship are advised to contact us
by email.
Are there flexible hours available for training?
Yes, we understand that training may need to fit with sector working hours and we offer sessions
that are flexible – contact us to discuss this further.
We can provide early morning, evening, late night, and weekend training.
Can you advise on Safeguarding worries, I am worried about an individual?
We can advise you on the process for raising a safeguarding concern and provide details of the services you can approach in your area?